A coach helps you grasp new concepts fast, and supports you in discovering how to apply them to your work. They guide you in reflection on a project, and give supportive critique and feedback that makes you grow.


Miranda Verswijvelen has decades of experience in instructional design, writing and the Information Mapping methodology. She has worked for academic, corporate and government clients all over the world, on a wide variety of learning and documentation projects. She also provides specialised coaching on interactive storytelling, scenario-based learning design and serious games, which are the subject of her PhD research. 

How does a coaching session work?

  • You briefly present the project, document, module per email/phone before the session.
  • We meet in a Zoom session to discuss approach, feedback on work done, specific questions – depending on focus.
  • You attend alone or with max 3 colleagues working on the same project or with the same focus.
  • You receive a summary email after the session.

How much does it cost?

Pricing for 1hr dedicated coaching

  • $120 (1 person)
  • $180 (2 persons)
  • $240 (3 persons) 
Bookings at least a week in advance so we have time to study the emailed material.
Discount applies when booking 5+ coaching hours.