Information Mapping® saves time, saves money and reduces risk in any organisation.
User-oriented and accurate information is crucial for any business. People need to know what to do, what to decide and find information fast to do their job correctly and effectively.
So why do many organisations struggle with long, complex and hard-to find content? Why do people use workarounds, create risk and lose time and money? Why does even the most fancy technology not solve any of this?
Because there is no standard for information creation in the business. Information gets lost in individual approaches.
Apply one content standard to all your information
Information Mapping® is a cross-cutting method that supports people’s thinking about content. Separate from any technology.
SOP and work instructions
user and installation manuals
safety regulations and policies
sales proposals
online help systems
knowledge management systems
website content
video tutorials
elearning courses and presentations.
What our users say
I’m making noticeable changes in my documents and find a lot of areas that were lacking in existing ones.
The blocks makes it easier for me to structure information. I’m also capturing types of information that I wasn’t normally capturing before - and putting it in relevant places.
Coworkers have given several compliments about the quality of work I’ve been producing lately!
I found it's been so helpful in really getting the most important information together and structured in a way that makes sense. The template really helps with this and I'm really enjoying it!
I had my IM epiphany in 2006 and have not looked back.